Dawn Piscitelli
Associate Partner
Dawn is an Associate Partner, specializing in healthcare growth strategy, based out of Prophet’s Austin office. She caught the marketing bug while working for Procter & Gamble out of college. After several years at P&G and herding cats and dogs (literally!) at Mars Pet Care, she joined Zyman Group, a boutique brand strategy consulting firm.
Since then, she has spent time both consulting and on the client side helping brands and businesses reach their full potential. After leading marketing and branding at two nationally ranked healthcare providers, she joined Prophet’s healthcare practice where she leads engagements, with payors, providers and healthcare service provider operations.
Dawn received her B.A. from the University of Florida and her M.B.A. from the Anderson School at U.C.L.A. When she’s not working, you can find Dawn hiking the mountains of Colorado and cheering on her two sons from the sidelines of their various sporting events.