Celebrating Our 10th Annual Prophet Impact Day  

Building a better future for our people, communities and the planet. 

10 years ago, in our London office, a group of employees had an idea to see if we could condense a month’s worth of project work into one day and create meaningful impact for five local charities. Based on the success of this event, Prophet Impact Day was born. Over time it was scaled globally and expanded to include community service and consulting opportunities.   

Over the past 10 years, we have… 

  • Supported 270 organizations 
  • Donated over 25,000 hours 
  • Engaged over 4,000 employees 

Last month we hosted our 10th annual Prophet Impact Day – closing our offices across the globe to work together and give back to our local communities. We supported a wide range of local community organizations like Save the Children, Clean Up Munich and Caritas of Austin. Our teams were supported things like: 

  • Packing, sorting and distributing food and meals 
  • Cleaning up parks, gardens and other facilities
  • Doing consulting work like developing value propositions and marketing strategies  

Year-after-year Propheteers proclaim that Prophet Impact day is their favorite day of the year.  This initiative puts all four of our values on display: create with courage, give and grow, share joy and open minds.  

“I enjoy doing pro-bono consulting work on Impact Day because it feels like we’re adding unique value, but it’s also so satisfying to do something physical with your colleagues, and team up with folks you don’t often work with, and see the physical impact of your had work.”

Darcy Muñoz, Partner, Verbal Branding

“Truly enjoyed working with me fellow ATOers and also having my son join us in giving back.”

Ashely Burgess, Executive Assistant

“With this day, you do not only give back to community, you can also enjoy a day with your team. Isn’t that great?”

Loes van der Westerlaken, Marketing and Office Manager

“Fantastic experience! Great to connect with other Propheteers and spend some time doing good on behalf of the organization.”

Avery Gross, Group Creative Director

“The day was great and so much fun, with high levels of participation. It was great to have one location where we could do lots of activities. One of the best Impact days I’ve attended.”

Hailey Armstrong, Engagement Manager

“A very valuable and positive experience as it is a day we can actually leave the office and interact with the community.  Overall, I saw solid teamwork and love from the team in this event, and it was a truly satisfying experience.”

Frank Chan, Strategy Associate


In total, this year we supported 25 organizations, donated over 3,000 hours and made a major impact inside and out of our global offices. We believe that our expertise, creativity and support help spark meaningful change – and we can’t wait to do it again for year 11. Learn more about our Prophet Impact initiatives. 

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