The State of IoT In the Home

As consumer interest in connected home devices grows, home security, health and safety get star billing.

The “Internet of Things” (IoT) market for the home — in which disparate devices work together to create a “smart home” — is in its early days. Some connected devices have long been in use in municipal life, at work, and in our personal lives (e.g., smartphones and “wearables”). But while home security systems and smart utility meters have been around for years, the “digital transformation” of the home is still just getting off the ground.

Our research shows that while adoption for home IoT products is in the early stages — only 23% of consumers own at least one IoT home product, like a smart TV — purchase intent is very strong. We anticipate three waves of adoption over the next several years and, if consumer intent is realized, an average global growth of 265% (in units sold) in the next 12 months.

In this report, we answer questions that help brands position themselves for this market: Who is the smart home IoT product buyer? What does the next wave of buyer look like? What drives consumers to purchase, and what obstacles do they perceive? What products for the home do consumers want to be smarter and connected?

Key Findings

To form a clear picture of where the smart home IoT market is headed, we started by researching who’s buying connected products today, who is likely to buy in the next phase, and longer-term prospects. This is what we learned:

  • “Early Adopters” are frustrated by a lack of automation at home and view connected technology as the solution. They are young, skew male, and are less price-sensitive. Once aware of a new connected product, they are more likely to purchase it
  • “Fast Followers” are more concerned with the ease of use of home IoT products and expect them to learn their habits, becoming more useful over time. Although their incomes are on par with Early Adopters, they are much more price-sensitive, less brand conscious, believe connected products shouldn’t cost more, and less likely to value premium products
  • Although “Laggards’” awareness of IoT for the home in some product categories is on par with awareness of Early Adopters and Fast Followers, they are much less likely to convert to purchase. Having the latest technology products is less important to Laggards, who skew older and just slightly more female
  • The Chinese market for home IoT products is particularly promising, especially when it comes to ownership of connected devices and intent to purchase. Chinese consumers are the least price-sensitive of any region and focus more than consumers in any other region on health benefits when making purchasing decisions
  • Our research findings point to three waves of home IoT product adoption. We believe near-term adoption will focus on the Home Security and the Home Environment Control product categories, followed by the Home Entertainment and the Health & Fitness categories, and, lagging, the Bed, Bath & Kitchen and the Pet, Child & Elderly Care categories
  • Consumer priorities for health and safety — and for product attributes like relevance and value — are leading drivers for the next wave of adoption. Device aesthetics and prestige of ownership lag in priority. Again, significant cultural differences between China and Western cultures should be studied by brands that target both markets

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Catalysts: The Cultural Levers of Growth in the Digital Age

Disrupted markets demand dramatic changes to strategy and infrastructure. Cultural transformation is the toughest.

The importance of organizational culture is now beyond question. No matter how digital they may be, all organizations are human and it’s the human factors of digital transformation that have grown in prominence. The ability to transform and create uncommon growth in the digital age obviously demands dramatic changes to your strategy and infrastructure, but it’s the challenge of culture which remains the number one hurdle holding many back from success.

Our latest research with business leaders from around the world outlines cultural levers that need to be prioritized to ignite digital transformation and create a path toward accelerated change.

In this report, you will learn:

  • What culture is and why it matters.
  • Where to begin and why a digitally-led transformation is different than others.
  • The hidden accelerators that make a significant difference to speed and sustain growth.

Download the full report below.

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Key Elements of a Next-Generation Digital Marketing Strategy

Get new insights into demand generation, driving digital commerce and optimizing customer experience.

Six Drivers of Digital Marketing Success

Digital marketing has come a long way from simply putting banner ads on the internet. It has evolved from mass messaging to personalized messaging, and finally to integrated communications in blended physical and digital environments.

In addition to the traditional goals of creating awareness about the brand, marketers can now choose from a new range of goals, ranging from demand generation, driving digital commerce, and optimizing the customer experience of products and services.

In order to deliver on these new goals, marketers need a next-gen digital marketing strategy, one that goes beyond the scope of what marketers could traditionally achieve and harnesses the power and complexity of today’s marketing technology and data platforms.

This report defines the key characteristics of a next-gen strategy, and identifies 6 drivers of its successful implementation to help you evaluate your team’s readiness for the next phase of its digital evolution.

In this report, you will learn:

  • What defines a ‘next-gen’ digital marketing strategy
  • What key factors drive success in this new marketing paradigm
  • How to prioritize the use cases and technologies that are most important to your marketing organization

Download the report below.

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The State of Digital Transformation 2019

Most transformation efforts continue to focus on modernizing customer touchpoints and enabling infrastructure.

Digital is an enterprise-wide strategic priority — but there’s work to be done

Now in its fifth year, our annual “State of Digital Transformation” research continues to document the constantly evolving enterprise. As disruptive technologies and their impact on organizations and markets continue to progress, our research aims to capture the shifts and trends that are shaping modern digital transformation.

In 2019, strategic digital transformation is only becoming more pervasive moving beyond IT to impact competitiveness throughout the organization. Budgets are soaring. The list of disruptive technologies on the radar of stakeholders is expanding. Ownership is moving to the C-Suite and managed by cross-functional, collaborative groups. Customer experience (CX) continues to lead digital transformation investments, but as we observed in 2017, employee experience and organizational culture are also rising in importance to empower and accelerate change, growth, and innovation.

Digital Transformation as an Enterprise-Wide Movement

This year, it’s clear that digital transformation is maturing into an enterprise-wide movement. Digital transformation is modernizing how companies work and compete and helping them effectively adapt and grow in an evolving digital economy.

What’s also evident is that there is still much work to do as companies are, by and large, prioritizing technology over grasping the disruptive trends that are influencing markets and, more specifically, customer and employee behaviors and expectations.

The State of Digital Transformation: 5 Key Takeaways

  • A successful digital transformation is an enterprise-wide effort that is best served by a leader with broad organizational purview. For the second year in a row, CIOs are reported as most often owning or sponsoring digital transformation initiatives (28%), with CEOs increasingly playing a leadership role (23%).
  • Market pressures are the leading drivers of digital transformation as most efforts are spurred by growth opportunities (51%) and increased competitive pressure (41%). With high-profile data breach scandals making daily headlines, new regulatory standards like GDPR are also providing impetus for organizations to transform (38%).
  • While there is a growing acknowledgment of the importance of human factors in digital transformation – like employee experience and organizational culture – most transformation efforts continue to focus on modernizing customer touchpoints (54%) and enabling infrastructure (45%). But many organizations are not doing their due diligence when it comes to understanding their customers, with 41% of companies making investments in digital transformation without the guidance of thorough customer research.
  • Organizational buy-in remains a top challenge for those leading digital transformation. The companies we studied report digital transformation is still often perceived as a cost center (28%), and data to prove ROI is hard to come by (29%). Cultural issues also pose notable difficulty, with entrenched viewpoints, resistance to change (26%), and legal and compliance concerns (26%) stymieing progress.
  • Innovation is staking its claim within the organization. Nearly half of respondents report that they are building a culture of innovation, with in-house innovation teams becoming the norm.

Download the full report below.

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Evolved Enterprise

Transformation isn’t about digital platforms. It calls for seamless experiences and flexible organizations.

What does it mean to be an evolved enterprise?

Let’s be honest: most digital transformation efforts aren’t working. People are lost and don’t know where to begin. In fact, according to one survey, 90 percent of digital transformation projects have either fallen below planning expectations, delivered only minor improvements or altogether failed. There is a better way.

We call companies who successfully rise to meet the digital challenge evolved enterprises. Those who evolve think about digital differently. Regardless of what others have said, digital transformation isn’t about implementing digital platforms and cutting-edge technology – it’s about achieving growth by being committed to three key areas:

  • Developing transformational marketing strategies
  • Creating seamless customer experiences
  • Building smarter, faster, more flexible organizations.

To learn more about Prophet’s capabilities in helping companies develop digital transformation strategies that drive growth please read the eBook.

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The Healthcare Shift: The Transformation to Customer-Centricity

Patients want to be treated as participants in their health. They need to be empowered, engaged and enabled.

The Transformation to Consumer Centricity

Today’s healthcare world belongs to the ‘e-consumer’. The ‘e-consumer’ is the result of increased access to information, enhanced consumer experiences in other industries and uncontrollable rises in healthcare costs.

‘E-consumers’ need to be treated as powerful participants in their own health in partnership with healthcare organizations. They need to be empowered, engaged, equipped and enabled. For the e-consumer, moments of health are just as important as moments of sickness.

To create empowered, engaged, equipped and enabled consumers, healthcare organizations must develop products, services and experiences that align with consumer needs. The only way to do this is to become consumer-centric. Consumer centricity in healthcare requires that every team, service line and department exist to serve the consumer in a remarkable way, at every stage of the healthcare journey.

To understand what the healthcare industry is currently doing and can to do to reshape itself, Prophet conducted in-depth interviews with over 60 organizations around the globe, including large hospital systems, payers and pharmaceutical, medical device and digital health companies in the U.S., Asia and Europe.

During our conversations, Prophet set out to understand what these organizations are currently doing to be consumer-centric, where they would like to be in the future and the challenges they face in getting to their ideal state. From these interviews, Prophet identified five key shifts that organizations can make now to become more consumer-centric tomorrow. The shifts are universal to transformation, spanning the entire healthcare ecosystem and geographies around the world.

Our research revealed that not enough organizations have begun to make these shifts, and those who have started, haven’t made significant progress. In fact, less than 15 percent have made full progression on any of these necessary changes, revealing a massive opportunity for improvement.

Our most recent research has uncovered how payers, providers and pharma can accelerate their transformation to become more consumer-centric. Download the category research:




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